Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Dr. Geil Browning: Founder and CEO of Emergenetics International – 083



Our Extraordinary Women Radio guest today, Geil Browning is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Emergenetics International. Geil’s life work has focused on helping people celebrate who they are and recognize the brilliance of their gifts. You can tell why I’m a fan! And I love the Emergenetics work that Geil developed, and will tell you more in the interview. Emergenetics is the merging of two ideas - our behavior emerging from our life experiences and our genetic traits. Emergenetics provides a clear way to understand this intersection of nature and nurture through the Emergenetics Profile, built on four Thinking Attributes and three Behavioral Attributes that every person exhibits. Geil’s passion for education led to the creation of the Emergenetics Profile. In our interview today, Geil shares how her passion and early experience as a teacher led her to founding Emergenetics. She thought her passion was teaching, but she realizes now is that her passion is all about helping people understand their