Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Cyndie Silbert: Founder of Feminine Mastery and Author of True Callings – 081



Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio interview is a juicy one, with a dear friend of mine.  Cyndie Silbert is the founder of Feminine Mastery. As she shares with us in this interview, the Feminine Shift is real and it's happening now. I know I’m feeling it – and I know many of you are as well. We are being called. There is an old paradigm ending and new, feminine paradigm emerging. Cyndie tells us to embrace the change. Today, I love diving into this conversation with Cyndie. "Trust in yourself... your guidance, your power and all you can create." ~Cyndie Silbert Cyndie wrote her book True Calling, Awaken the Power of Your True Self at the onset of what is now a global feminine-empowered awakening. Feminine Mastery and Cyndie's Archetypes provide a new framework for us as women, to discover our unique role in the global feminine shift and how to flourish in this very new paradigm. It's about guiding a woman to fulfill her desires, dreams and destiny while living a deeply fulfilling and prosperous life. Femin