Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Alyssa Mathews: One Woman’s Quest to Discover the Horse – 079



Those of you who know me well, know I believe in following your passion. And today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Alyssa Mathews happens to share one of my favorite passions - horses. But this isn't just for those of us who love horses - it's for everyone of you who has a big crazy dream you'd love to follow. Because Alyssa's story is all about that. Alyssa Mathews is a lifelong equestrian and adventure addict, and in 2017, she set out on an adventure to ride every breed of horse in the world, in her quest: Discover the Horse. And so far, she’s ridden over 50 different breeds in seven different countries, and she’s being recognized across the globe for her passion and her pursuit. She has been planning this quest for over a decade and if you love beauty and passion, like I do, you’ll want to check out her Discover the Horse website or her Facebook page which is full of video and story, as she’s meeting the extraordinary horses and their owners along the way. As moves through this journey, Alyssa is wor