Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Lizanne Corbit and Paula Friedland: Co-Founders of Soul Speaks – 075



Today, I’m so excited to bring you the duo of my friends and dear clients Lizanne Corbit and Paula Friedland. Lizanne and Paula are the co-founders of Soul Speaks, a transformational process to help people ignite their truth and express their authenticity in the world. I have experienced their work personally, and it’s magical. I love these two women – in addition to running their own successful personal growth businesses – they have found a way to weave their art into all that they do. As you’ll learn in this interview – their art is an essential element of their gift to the world. Lizanne and Paula will be guest speakers at my Extraordinary Women Ignite event coming up on November 1-3! I invite you to join us! Three days focused on raising up your voice, visibility and business. Tickets are available at here. In our interview today, we talk about women finding their their sacred roar and having the courage to speak their truth. Both Lizanne and Paula have heart-touching stories to share that have guided