Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Ronda Renée: Modern Day Mystic with “X-Ray Vision for your Soul” – 074



Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with Ronda Renée - a modern day mystic with “x-­ray vision for your soul.” She’s an international speaker, facilitator, and three time best-­selling author. Ronda is a Life Fulfillment and Spiritual Business Mentor and has the unique ability for making the intense inner exploration she discovered her life’s work of teaching people how to live and work from their soul. She shares her story and she shares our wisdom with us today. She shares in the interview, "Your responsibility in life is to uncover your truth and live it. The only way you'll make the contribution you're here to make, is to be you. Live, Love and Work who you are - be you everywhere you go." As the creator of Your Divine Navigation System®, Ronda teaches you how to align with your unique energetic soul signature, your Divine Coordinates®, enabling you to fully embrace your Divine Design and live a life of deep meaning, purpose and satisfaction. Knowing that true success and fulfillment can on