Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Jayne Sanders: Purpose & Law of Attraction Coach, and Master Scientific Hand Analyst – 073



Today’s guest on Extraordinary Women Radio is one of our guest speakers at Extraordinary Women Ignite! I’m thrilled to bring you Jayne Sanders of Purpose Wisdom™.  Jayne is a Purpose & Law of Attraction Coach and Master Scientific Hand Analyst. In our interview today, we talk about the importance of finding your purpose and how that can raise up the energetic forces behind us in our life and our business. Jayne’s story of transition from over 25 in the corporate world to doing the work she does today is awesome. She shares how scientific hand analysis was the catalyst that helped her find clarity - helped her find her purpose. And her life hasn’t been the same since! Hand analysis you might ask? Well, let me tell you this isn’t the palm reading of yesteryear. This is a field of scientific study that is growing in use and regard by therapists, counselors and even neurologists and geneticists. It’s fascinating. Hand analysis can bring meaningful insight into our emotional health, our innate life purpose, our