Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Joanne Wilson: Gotham Gal and Angel Investor – 065



Today’s Extraordinary Women Radio guest is Gotham Gal and angel investor, Joanne Wilson. Joanne has a portfolio of over 90 companies, such as Lately (you might remember my episode a few months ago with founder Kate Bradley Chernis), Food52, Sweeten, Vengo, Nestio, Flip, Clutter, and Union Station. Joanne shared, “In general, I’m looking for really smart, scrappy founders that have tenacity, that are out of the box, and are survivors.” Joanne has had many careers before she found her way into angel investment, and she shares some of her reinvention stories in our interview today. She believes that necessity is not only the mother of invention but also of constant reinvention because as an individual, a company, or brand, you have to be able to think ahead to stay ahead of the curve. Sometimes, what you think of as a misfortune, like losing a job, is actually a blessing in disguise. Joanne co-founded the Women’s Entrepreneur Festival in 2011 which is a conference for a community of women entrepreneurs. While