Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Jamie ‘Sensei’ Leno Zimron: Founder of The KiAi Way®, Integrative, Body-Based Peak Performance Training – 058



Today I am so pleased to bring Jamie 'Sensei' Leno Zimron to Extraordinary Women Radio - a modern-day 'renaissance woman.' She is a 5th Degree Aikido Black Belt, Class A LPGA Teaching Professional, Marriage Family Therapist (MFT), Certified Sports Counselor, Master Bodyworker, Corporate and Conference Speaker-Trainer, and an International Citizen’s Diplomat. And on top of all of this - Her work has been the center of peacemaking efforts in some of the most challenging war-torn regions of the world. The principles that Jamie shares with us in this interview – about becoming centered and aligned helps us find a peaceful inner power – one where we’re completely present in our body, our head and our voice. Her work helps people discover the body-mind keys and tools to work, play and be their best – for their own peak performance. Making the world a better place for everyone. Yes, Jamie is certainly a changemaker. Known by her clients as Jamie Sensei, Jamie is a pioneer in blending ancient eastern wisdom with m