Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Amber Rae: Author of Choose Wonder Over Worry – 054



Today we’re joining our Extraordinary Women Radio guest – Amber Rae – in celebration of her new book – Choose Wonder over Worry! Choose Wonder Over Worry is launching around the world today and I’m happy to be a part of this celebration! I invite YOU to jump out to Amazon today and order a copy of her book and perhaps gift a few to some extraordinary women friends! Amber has been called a “Millennial Motivator” by Fortune and "The Brené Brown of Wonder” by Mind Body Green. Her work invites you to live your truth, befriend your emotions, and express your gifts. Amber’s writing blends raw, personal storytelling with actionable aha-moments and has reached more than 5 million people in 195 countries. Her public art has spread to more than 20 countries, and she's spoken to and collaborated with brands like Kate Spade, Apple, Amazon, and Unilever. Amber has been featured in The New York Times, TIME, Fast Company, BBC, ABC World News, and more. She’s truly an extraordinary woman. This is a delightful interview