Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Dr. Sharron Stroud: Spiritual Leader, International Peace Prize Winner, Recognized by White House for Lifetime Achievements in Humanities – 053



I'm super honored to feature today's Extraordinary Women Radio guest, Dr. Sharron Stroud. Dr. Stroud is a woman dedicated to serving the planet. The slogan "Think Globally and Act Locally" would describe what she has been about for the past 40 years. She is an author, professional speaker, and a spiritual leader. She has served the New Thought movement for 42 years as a spiritual leader. Dr. Stroud has serves as the Spiritual Leader of Innerfaith Spiritual Center Worldwide in Palm Springs, CA. since 2001. She also serves as the Dean of the Institute of Successful Living. In our interview, Dr. Stroud shares life stories that have shaped her life and the wisdom she has earned along the way. She says that "Whatever the present moment is, act as if you chose it. Work with it." This is such a powerful statement. We talk about courage, confidence and callings. And yes, because Dr. Stroud is a Minister of Peace, we talk about peace on earth. Dr. Stroud is the President Elect of The International Foundation for W