Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Michelle Marie King: Entrepreneur, Former Ms. Colorado Taking a Stand as a Positivity Activist Helping Women Discover Their Inner Beauty – 052



Today's Extraordinary Women Radio interview is with the fabulous Michelle Marie King, a philanthropic leader and motivational public speaker who has devoted her life to volunteerism and mentoring young women on giving back to their communities and building self-esteem. Michelle is blazing the country as a positivity activist and passionate visionary. In our interview today, Michelle shares how her life experiences as a former international runway model and former Ms. Colorado shaped her passion for helping women of all ages find their inner beauty – a mission she carries out in her model-coaching and confidence building company - Positive Presence, LLC. Suffering from anorexia, bulimia and living through an attempted suicide as an international runway model, Michelle hopes to use her experience in the modeling industry and her passion for philanthropy to simply make a positive difference in the life of others.  She combines these disparate worlds—modeling & philanthropy. In our interview, we dig into how t