Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Tommi Wolfe: CEO of Top Six Business Coach and Bronze Birch Marketing – 050



Welcome to Episode #50 of Extraordinary Women Radio! I love this milestone! So many incredible stories I've had the opportunity to share. Have you ever had a mentor or a coach who has shaped the trajectory of your life… of your business? Well one of these women for me is Tommi Wolfe – and I’m super excited to host Tommi today on Extraordinary Women Radio. I always say that Tommi helped my business grow up in those early years - and we talk about some of those lessons in today’s episode. And in fact, I’ll share how the whole concept of Extraordinary Woman was actually birthed in Tommi’s office several years ago! Tommi has spent an incredible lifetime building companies – starting as a single mom in South Africa. Her stories are inspiring and her wisdom rich. She is currently the CEO of Top Six Business Coach and Bronze Birch Marketing. She supports a network of talented business coaches in 3 countries, all of whom specialize in helping solopreneurs to create abundant, lucrative and meaningful businesses. I