Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Mia Voss: Travel & Lifestyle Blogger, Brand Ambassador, Speaker and Entrepreneur – 049



Today's Extraordinary Women Radio is with Mia on the Go: Mia Voss! Mia is the ultimate traveler & people connector. She’s built her business around the love of story telling, travel, cars and being a cheerleader for the things she loves. She shares the story of how at 50, she decided to go nomadic. And it was in that journey that Mia became an accidental entrepreneur, opening her world to the lifestyle-aligned business she runs today that let's her travel the world, drive cool cars and drink great wine! We talk about building an influencer brand and building a powerful collaborator tribe. You’re going to love her! She’s currently working with brands such as Lexus, Toyota, BMW, Mazda, Collette Travel and more. Mia has been building an online audience for years, enticing them with engaging interviews on every topic imaginable. She has been the producer, host and guest on more than 300 online episodes and has interviewed more than 500 guests. In 2015, she decided to embrace her approaching 50’s and began trav