Las Mata Maridos

Welcome back.



When I put out the first version of Las Mata Maridos, it was my first attempt at everything. I was just wetting my feet in the podcasting pool and I winged more than I prepared. This time around, I have done much more researched and I am feeling confident in the what I have learned. When first wrote about the women, my mind was assaulted with all the ideas to further the tale with more characters with their own stories to tell. Each tale contains one of the three main characters from the original story of Las Mata Maridos. Certain stories will are visited by the women, and the rest for the most part will have Don Calacas, as he is their guardian and keeper.  I am beyond thrilled that you are joining me on this new and improved journey. I cannot wait for you to meet the all the other characters and their unforgettable stories. Along with the new improvements I have made, I am also very excited to share with you another way this podcast has changed. I would like to highlight one small business at the concl