Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Virtual Assistant – Careers you can do from home series: Kathy Goughenour: 240



Did you know that you could potentially make 100k being a Virtual Assistant? Today we have Kathy Goughenour former Fortune 500 company employee turned millionaire on the show.  At the age of 40 she asked her boss why she wasn't getting promoted? He said "you laugh and smile too much you are never serious and will never get promoted until then!"  At that point she had to decide if she was going to stay in the comfort of a job that she knew well or leave because she knew she would never make more money. So she came up with a plan so that she could quit, she turned in her resignation letter and her boss said "you will never make this much money."  It took her only 3 years to make what she made at her previous job and she kept going and started training others to be VAs and in 2020 she hit 1 million in revenue in her business.  Kathy shares with us why becoming a Virtual Assistant is a hidden gem and perfect for moms.  She talks about the following in this episode: Top services that people are hiring for Wh