Motivate Me! With Lynette Renda

MM544- Managing Your Creative Ideas



So often incredible ideas surface in our minds and we discount them and discard them. What if you went on a journey to generate more ideas, and what if you knew how to manage them in a way that would help you bring them to fruition? MM544- Managing Your Creative Ideas Hello, everybody, and welcome to this week’s episode of Motivate Me! It’s Me! Time here on Motivate Me! and we are working on coming back from flat. Before we start, let’s get into the right headspace. Let’s engage in the idea that this is time where YOU are the priority. Let’s take two slow, deep breaths to get us centered. Just follow me. Today’s focus is: Managing Your Creative Ideas When do you feel most passionate about life? For me, it’s when I’m creating. And when I’m in my creative zone, ideas upon ideas continue to come to me. Being open to these ideas is part of why and how I believe they flow so fluidly, but it’s my job to manage them - and to organize them. When I was working to reclaim my passion, I had to make