Kitty Talks

How to Rise above the Fear and Illusion surrounding 2021!



HOW TO RISE ABOVE THE FEAR & ILLUSION SURROUNDING 2021We are witnessing a ‘Great Awakening’ on this planet, and an incredible time to be alive. The fact that we chose to be here NOW is no accident!During this evolutionary tipping point, we can either get drawn into the ‘world story’, be manipulated by fear, and follow the ‘divide and conquer’ tactics led by govern-ment. OR We can choose to govern our own minds - move from love, heal our inner wounds and real-eyes that any fear-based projections from others comes from their wounds…  Consciousness needs to be ramped up – not control and power over others. Question everything!  When you do your inner work and heal your wounds you send ripples in the uni-verse and thus change the world…  Here’s what you’ll learn in this video: