Consulting Growth

Building Diverse Teams with Elena Christopoulos



There is an increasing body of evidence that diverse teams of varying racial and ethnic makeup produce better results. They perform better financially, gain a competitive edge when recruiting top talent, experience less employee turnover, and offer greater benefits for those they serve.Today, our guest is Elena Christopoulos. A very busy consultant who builds project teams and bring diversity to her team. She also applied diversity in her political career. And she believed strongly in promoting diversity.In this episode, we'll be talking about: What impact does diversity have on your bottom-line What does diversity mean Pointers for people who are developing ad-hoc teams in order to develop the team and then create cohesion and collaboration on the team quickly To succeed in building a diverse team you need to make it a key, long-term priority for management, and something that the organization as a whole explicitly strives for.We see diversity as something that is complex and holistic, a concept that’s const