Zack Lyman Podcast

Starting Stand Up Comedy In 2021



Zack Lyman tells you 10 things he would focus on if he had to start over in stand up comedy in 2021! If I was starting comedy 2021 1. Simple idea, I would try to write one hour a day. Maybe you sit at a coffee shop and write. or you work on some other parts of comedy like listening back to any recordings you have and being honest with yourself, how was my speed? Did I get the jokes out? Honest but not too harsh since you are at just the beginning of this long long journey. 2. I would find an online list of the open mics and try to adventure to a new one each week. finding your favorite open mics can really keep you going when you been having a hard day or month. 3. Find a writing partner, someone that you feel comfortable with and you feel your styles compliment each other. I write with my friend Lou moon who can come up with some out of box ideas. But I also love writing with my friend Savannah who really understands joke structure and keeps me from rambling too much. 4. Rest is important, taki