Cooper Brunner Podcast

#32 Ideas are Worthless Without Execution



What’s a great idea that you’ve had that you never implemented? What did you “create” only to see someone else beat you to it?Winklevoss Twins, sound familiar? Remember when they claimed that “Facebook” was their idea, not Zucks’? Well, in 2004 the Winklevoss twins sued Mark Zuckerberg… The reality is, Mark EXECUTED the idea of starting an online community! They might have first “came up with the idea to make a social platform, but who cares? I’m sure you probably know TONS of “IDEA MAKERS” or have a friend that comes up with these amazing ideas, but doesn’t do anything with it or just talks a BIG GAME. I’ve been around plenty of them and it pisses me off.And these idea makers have a lot to say, and these ideas are probably really good ideas, but going back to my initial statement of “great ideas are worthless” it simply doesn’t mean DICK unless you actually take  ACTION on your ideas.I’ll give you another example.My PodcastKirsten’s thoughts:-Is today day 1 or are you saying 1 day-How do you go about an exec