Mettle Brain

Episode 26: Internal Created Realities



Jessica Bragado is a health practitioner formally trained in Holographic Kinetics, an Australian Aboriginal healing modality. Although Jessica primarily leans on her gifts working with spirit to address issues either trapped in the body or in the greater energy field of her patients. Jessica has a diverse clientele including Veterans and children. Jessica was raised in the Bible Belt and speaks beautifully of the balance required using her gifts in such a conservative part of the country.  Jessica has been communicating with spirits since she was a small child, i.e. seeing deceased ancestors of strangers and/or medical issues. Jessica shares some of the knowledge she's gathered being a practitioner including how to get in touch with your own spirit and how to rid yourself of that which may not be serving you. Throughout our conversation Jessica touches on the power of the mind, and the stories we reinforce. Jessica shares a few personal experiences while using her gifts and gives some interesting hypothe