Las Mata Maridos

Episode 1



          In this first episode we meet our main characters Luz Montoya, and Cielo Sanabria. We are also introduced to the deal made by their families in hopes of building an unstoppable dynasty through the union of their children in the future. You learn that the girls were immediate best friends that bonded instantly and were inseparable from an early age. The girls had no idea about just exactly how dangerous their families were and I think that all came to light for them when they discovered the bloodbath at the restaurant.           As I have said before, the surface of these two women are modeled after my lifelong soul sister Itza Ojeda and myself from the Casa De Calacas music videos of the Mexican classics, "Ella" and "Y Andale". The layers beneath the surface of these two woman are the spirits of my two grandmothers and strong female role models that include my mom and aunts and a few other important w