Bragging On Jesus

Proverbs 27:7-10 Multitudes Of Hunger RA



Todays devotion answers the question: Where do I go or where should I go to satisfy the various kinds of hunger in this life. We will be looking at Proverbs 27:7-10 and... we'll breifly look at one verse at a time and then a consise summery at the end. Proverbs 27:7 One who is full loathes honey, but to one who is hungry everything bitter is sweet. Ok, well... first I'm thinking that in this proverb Solomon is counting honey as something that is good... I think he is using it as a metaphor and holding it up as the “prize” you might say... something we can look forward to and delight in... as the best thing. Truth is... honey is delightfully sweet and we know it is full of nourishing minerals... It's a great gift from God and it makes a wonderful dessert.. better than your typical candy bar. But if we're already stuffed full of other stuff... bad greasy food or we might even be stuffed full of good food... The point I think is that if we're already stuffed we miss out... in Solomons example we miss out on th