Bibliophiles Anonymous

Bibliophiles Anonymous #95 - Cassie Clare News Extravaganza



In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess fangirl about all the latest Cassandra Clare news that has come out over the past week. And oh boy, were there a lot of them! First up, they have announced that the Mortal Instruments film franchise will be rebooted into a TV show. Details are slim right now, but we are cautiously optimistic that they might actually do things right this time. You can read about it here. Can we please have something better than this? Please? The next bit of news - there will be a new Shadowhunter e-series. Just like the Bane Chronicles, this new series will be launched as a series of e-book short stories/novellas. It is called Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy and will follow Simon as he trains to become Shadowhunter, but will have appearances from other beloved characters as well. Maureen Johnson and Sarah Rees Brennan are back on board, as is Robin Wasserman. Details can be found here. Thanks for listening! Please rate, review and subscribe!