Bibliophiles Anonymous

Bibliophiles Anonymous #62 - To Goal or Not to Goal



In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess talk about goals - how they did on goals in 2013 and what goals they want to set for 2014. 2013 had mixed success. Jess set out to read 60 books, which she did, but she failed spectacularly at reading her entire bookshelf in order to clean it out. Denise, who is a bit of a list-making wing nut, set five goals for 2013, of which she accomplished 1.5 of them. She reached her goal of reading 70 books for the year, and finished about half of the series that she started in 2013, but read no books off the "1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die" list, did not complete any series read from prior years, and did not re-read books already on her bookshelf in order to add them to GoodReads. Here are the goals for 2014: Jess GoodReads challenge - reading 60 books for the year Read 5 books off her TBR bookshelf Denise GoodReads challenge - reading 70 books for the year Finish the series left unfinished in 2013 (Kady Cross's Steampunk Chronicles, Kami Garcia an