Bibliophiles Anonymous

Bibliophiles Anonymous #34 - Witches and Daemons and Vamps, oh my!



In this episode of Bibliophiles Anonymous, Denise and Jess talk about the latest book club book over at the Mallorean Tavern - A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. Jess is head over heels in love with this series and is dying for book three to be released. Denise was slightly less enthralled, but that didn't stop her from immediately starting book two. Link to the discussion post at the Mallorean Tavern: Announcement: there will be no show for May 26th. We are taking Memorial Day weekend off. The show needs your help! Please send your ideas and suggestions for bookish discussion topics or recommendations for books you'd like to hear reviewed on the podcast! We'd love to hear from you! Email us at, find us on Twitter @BibAnonPodcast, or leave a message or comment on our official website at Thanks for listening! Please rate, review, and subscribe!