Grit And Grace

Bend Your Destiny



Tahverlee is joined by award-winning holistic therapist and gifted life coach Katarina Heuser. Katarina works with people from all walks of life, sharing her light language, crystal healings, and readings. Even as a young child, Katarina was able to see past lives. She has always been aware of her gifts and abilities and has been on this path for many lifetimes. The trauma she experienced in past lives gives her the desire to go deep and understand the mechanics of how to shift happenings in her current life. Katarina has always wanted to "bend her destiny" and will not let circumstances define or dictate her capabilities.Since the age of 13, Katarina has studied tarot, astrology, psychology, and many other aspects. She had her first real mystical experience with high crosses and lay lines while living in Ireland. When she first arrived, her landlady told her that her room would always be cold because a ghost inhabited it. The minute Katarina entered the room, she knew she was not alone. As a native German, h