Grit And Grace

Never Stop Learning



Today, Tahverlee reflects on her journey of being a lifelong student. Learning new things is so important and a big passion of Tahverlee's. Never stop learning! Learning opens us up to so many amazing things. And think about it, by simply learning something every day, you actually become a new person. Even if you learn about something you think you already knew, you might open yourself up to a whole different viewpoint. We all see those positive affirmation posts on social media; Always Grow, Achieve Your Goals, Be Better Than You Were Yesterday. Those are great, but you need more than just words. How will you grow if you don't learn? Read books, listen to podcasts, take a course. And not just because you have to for work or school, but because you want to expand your mind and be a better person.Research proves that lifelong learning significantly reduces how your brain deteriorates as you age. Learn resiliency, learn something that might take you out of your current beliefs. It's always worth looking at new