Grit And Grace

Sink into the Space Between



The amount of outside noise we take into our bodies every day is overwhelming. We are bombarded by social media and our constant virtual interactions with people, especially in the past "pandemic" year. With all of the energy that comes at us daily from our smartphones, work, and family, we don't take enough time to be in silence. The golden part of silence comes when we consciously choose to eliminate all outside noise.Build a practice around silence by gifting yourself a silent retreat. Cut out all distractions; no alarms, notices, calendar reminders, just silence. You can still schedule in time to do some work, but for the most part, embrace the silence. Plan your silent retreat by first giving yourself permission, letting go of expectations, and beginning a digital detox. This is an inward journey to build trust and honor with yourself. Listen to your inner knowing, your inner voice, connect more deeply with your truth. You can't do that with a consent flow of noise coming at you. We are always on th