Grit And Grace

Healing With The Elements



Today, Tahverlee takes us on a journey of embracing the elements as healing portals to keep our bodies in an optimal state of health. Our society’s healthcare system focuses on sickness, rather than health. We are offered treatments, but not given solutions on how to keep our bodies in an optimal state of health. Viruses are nothing new, we have had them since humans came into being. But, if our bodies are strong, we can produce the antibodies needed to fight viruses.As an “experienced” human, Tahverlee has gone through significant health journeys. There is a place for western medicine and medication. But at the simplest level, we need good elements to maintain optimal health; good soil, nutrients, water, clean air, and sun.The fuel we put in our bodies dictates everything. If we fill our diets with bad foods that use so much energy to process, we give up energy that we need for good health. If we don’t prefilter the foods and water we eat, then our body becomes the filter.Using the elements as healing p