Grit And Grace

Remembering Why You Came Here



Tahverlee talks all about archetypes with one of the top experts in the field, Ephraim Mallery. Ephraim will be teaching a class at Moon Temple Mystery School. In this episode you’ll learn what it will be like to go through the class and go through the process of owning the different stories we all live. Tahverlee and Ephraim start by defining archetypes. Ephraim says they are universal stories and if you understand the archetypes you came into this life with, you realize that those are the stories you want to live and the lessons you want to learn. Remembering that we chose this lifetime and that we wanted to live it all helps us through times of trial and tribulation. Ephraim then goes on to discuss some of the different archetypes, such as the knight, the damsel, the mother, the trickster, and the eternal child. How does he start people on the journey to discovering their archetypes? First, they must come to know and feel the 12 core archetypes, then understand what their archetype feels like in their body