Grit And Grace

#116 Remembering Our Connection with Nature



Remembering who we are and where our vital nourishment comes from, is the key to health and happiness. The trees, plants and the earth holds deep wisdom that is available to us.Guest, Tonja Reichley, Herbalist (Bsc, MBA), Ritualist and Author, has been teaching herbal classes rooted in Irish traditions, healing and spirituality for 18 years. She has lived part time on the west coast of Ireland for 13 years, continually learning from the land, the plants, the people and the Ancestors and her own sacred teachers. She is the author of Wild Irish Roots: A Seasonal Guidebook to Herbs, Ritual and Connection and the Way of Brighid Oracle Cards, dedicated to Irish goddess and saint Brighid. You can find Tonja at: @tonjareichleyFB: Dancing with the WildEmail: tonjareichley@gmail.comTahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur, founder of Tahverlee's Tribe and can be found or