Grit And Grace

Your Money is Emotional



Accounting and bookkeeping are two words can produce a little anxiety in all of us. Wouldn't you agree? We know that looking after your money is important, but it can be a minefield deciding what to do and your next steps. Kaleigh Canavan explains in this show how and when you should scale your business. Most importantly, how to handle the double-edged sword of knowing that you need to grow, but also not having the finances to hire someone full-time. She started her career as a concert promoter, but her love of numbers and bookkeeping led to her to become a successful Accountant. You can see the passion behind what she does and how to educate others in the process. If the idea of taking a look at your finances scares you, that is a sign that you are ready to grow and expand. Is it time to hire a professional to guide you through the process and learn to love money? Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur and can be found at: https://w