Grit And Grace

Sacred November Part 1



This is the first in a series of shows featuring women who work in the spiritual space. Sacred November will include; Healers, Oracles, Psychics, and more, who have built their lives and businesses around their connection to their real source of power.  Be prepared to be called into the light. Get ready to shed the old you and explore what your soul is calling. Tahverlee's Tribe is here to help you on this journey of knowing and are offering you the opportunity to learn and grow with this amazing group of gifted women.   Tahverlee is a healer, a spiritual warrior, a high priestess, and a seer. AND a business owner, podcaster, and a mother of two kiddos and one fury baby.  She is a Social Impact Entrepreneur and uses all of her gifts to bring peace and joy to her life and the lives of others. In this real, raw, and heartfelt show, you will journey with her as she comes out of the "broom closet" to share the inner work and celebration of remembering who you are. Tahverlee can be found at https://www.corporateca