Grit And Grace

Living Life to the Fullest



Michelle Mallin a consultant who specializes in helping non-profits, has a special place in her heart for those who support the military and first responders. As the founder of MGM Solutions, she holds a wide array of skills and experience in outreach, volunteerism, event planning and finding your passion for giving back to your community.  As a co-founder of the Honor Bell Foundation, she and her colleagues strive daily to "honor and respect, those who serve and protect". In 2016 Michelle received a shock diagnosis and sharpened her focus on how to live with a rare illness and what legacy means to her.  She is inspiring, kind and focuses on the things in life to be grateful for.   Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur and can be found at: For more information on Tahverlee’s Tribe of female experts that support women on the rise, email her at https://www