Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

Ever feel like you shouldn’t be struggling w/ something or should be able to handle it all!? EP 128



Have you ever found yourself totally on edge, acting out, and just down right frustrated and not know why? You’ve done all the things, checked in with your support group, gone to some meetings, done some journaling and still, not know what the heck is going on? ME TOO! Recently, I was struggling in a way that wasn’t so obvious. All I knew was, I was annoyed... a lot. However, because of what you all taught me about consistency and continuing to check in, meet with my counselor, going to meetings, and continuing to show up, I’ve had an epiphany. I have a lot of new things going on. Individually, they’re not such a big deal but altogether, it’s a lot. It’s not even that they are bad things. Most everything is good and exciting. However, new experiences can create uncertainty. Also, I think it’s important to point out that often, I think I should not be struggling, I think it should be easier, I think I shouldn’t be feeling anxious with new and exciting things going on. It reminds me of how many people feel as i