Theposhgirlsclub : Dropping Gems

From Startup to 6 figures in 6 months



It's true. I went from Startup to 6 figures in the first 6 months of opening Bling. I took that same concept and flipped it within PGC. I went from startup to my next 6 figure business (just counting this business' income), within the first 10 months sharing digital content + coaching... I have to admit though...I wasn’t happy with many things in my business.  There was always something to do, someone to please and new goals to hit. I was being stretched and I didn’t like it. It took me way out of my comfort zone. I was trying a lot of things in order to make it work… the more I did, the more I had to do! I had to create a way that I could scale this company, still have my other business and keep that running - and be able to live my life. I was sleeping maybe 2 hours at a time, then back up for 4 or 5 hours, and maybe getting another 2 of sleep in before working 13-14 straight, without really stopping. I was stressed ALL the time.  How can you make that much money and be stressed out, right? Why? Because I w