Talk Your Poly Off

Competitiveness in Relationships



In the past we've talked about feeling competitive with a meta especially when playing the "compare" game. But in this weeks episode we take it from a different angle! Have you ever felt in competition with your PARTNER? Maybe it's who earns more money or who has more partners but sometimes it happens.We discuss some ways to recognize it and tips to process it and move through. Oh and you don't want to miss this explanation of what an actual "competitive relationship" is according to in Monsuta's intro!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please help us help others by hitting that "follow" or "subscribe" button and leaving us a 5 star rating and review on whatever platform you listen on. It really helps new listeners find us. If you want some more of Bella and Monsuta head over to our Patreon page for bonus episodes and to join our Polyam Fam Facebook group! And of course you can reach out to us all over social media!For additional episodes and content, come join our Patreon!Follow our Facebook page call