Preston Moore: Thoughts, Attitudes & Behaviors

What do you call an idea without a deadline? EP 129



Recently I was watching a YouTube video this guy said in passing, “an idea without a deadline is just a dream. It’s not a goal.” It is not the first time I heard that but this time it hit me straight in the heart. Recently, I’ve had a TON of resistance around goals. Whether it’s because they stress me out or I’m trying to set goals for you or simply because “they” think I should… either way, it doesn’t matter. I decided on Sunday that it’s time for me to start putting things down on paper, telling the people around me, and holding myself accountable to some of the things I’ve been saying I want to do, but not doing them. How does that hit for you? What do you think about that? Let us know on your favorite social media platform or even better, in the form of a rating and review. Connect with us below. You can find Sarah at @mooresoulsessions on Insta or via email at K Preston Moore Instagram @kprestonmoore Facebook: Face