John Rosemberg Podcast




Ronald Reagan was born on February 6, 1911 Tampico Illinois. Died on June 5, 2004 cause of death pneumonia and Alzheimer’s disease. Vice President: George W Bush Sr Spouse : Nancy Reagan ( 1952/2004) Children: Patti Davis , Maureen Reagan , Christine Ron Reagan, Micheal Reagan. Term in office: 1981/1989 He served as a Governor of California 1967/1975. During his administration the crack epidemic destroyed the black community throughout this country. This substance was mainly used to targeted black people by the CIA . The stocks market crashed in 1985. He deregulated the housing market. In 1982 unemployment broke 10% in the month of November. This was the highest unemployment since Wall war ||. The. Iran contra conflict was done under his watch with George W Bush and Oliver North. In 1986 he almost got assassinated by lone gunman. In 1981 Contrary to popular belief . He wasn’t Ronald Reagan who got those hostages out of Iran. It was Jimmy Carter and his administration who got those hostages out of Iran. Unfort