Evolving Faith

7. Evolutionary Catholics: Samples of 12-episode audioseries



Samples in this podcast are drawn from 12 of the hour-long episodes in the audioseries "Evolutionary Catholics: Conversations at the Leading Edge of Faith." Hosted by Michael Dowd, these conversations feature 12 of the most inspiring religion-and-science leaders in Roman Catholicism — all of whom embrace the scientific evidence of a cosmos and Earth billions of years old, in which life forms evolved via natural processes. The speakers are: Joan Chittister, Ilia Delio, Linda Gibler, John Haught, Ursula King, Kenneth R. Miller, Michael Morwood, Diarmuid O'Murchu, Richard Rohr, Gloria Schaab, Mary Southard, and Gail Worcelo. The entire series can be accessed at EvolutionaryCatholics.com.