John Rosemberg Podcast

Bio chemical Warfare



Bio chemical warfare The US Government have used Bio chemicals to kill our people. Most diseases were giving to us thru vaccinations Aids , Ebola, Cancer Chicken Pox, Measles and Syphilises.The US Government have used all of methods to destroyed our people. This is not a coincidence is by design. You wonder why we are dying like flies. The media like tell us Bio chemical was only used in others country contrary to popular beliefs. The US Government have used bio chemical against our people in this country. AIDS, Cancer ,Syphilises were created in the lab to destroyed our people. That’s why we shouldn’t take vaccinations . Most of those vaccinations have viruses in them that destroyed our immune systems. We have to be very careful when dealing with doctors and nurses in those hospitals. Most of them don’t have our best interest at heart. It’s unfortunate but this is real as the air I breathe. Now they’re using GMO to killed us . Most of the foods we consume don’t have no nutrients. That’s why we’re soo Obese