John Rosemberg Podcast

George HW Bush 41’ST President



George WH Bush (poppy) George Bush have been in politics since 50”s however must us don’t know much about the Bush family. Prescott Bush financed the German during World War || and provided them with nuclear warhead allegedly . Bush was born in Milton, Massachusetts on June 12,1924 . Bush joined the navy at 18 years old . He was pilot for the navy. He decease on November 30, 2018. He served as the 43rd Vice President of the United States from 1981 to 1989 in the Ronald Reagan administration. He was the Director of Central Intelligence. In 1981 he became the 41st President of the United States from 1989 to 1993. He lost to Bill Clinton in 1992 in Presidential campaign. He favourited quote during the reelection was “ Read Mine Lips No New Taxes” . The have been speculations . He was behind JFK assassination and Ronald Reagan attempt assassination. He was part of the Contra operation in Panama and Nicaragua with Oliver North. He graduated from Yale University in 1948. He is a member of Skulling Bone Fraternity