I Am Indi

“The Evolving Doors Theory”



Gerry Mancuso is a songwriter, lead guitarist, and guitar teacher whose music cannot be easily encapsulated in one or two words. Fast, slow, heavy, soft; think of all the opposites you want, list them, and then consider that a rough description of the musical artist who is set to turn the music scene on its ear with such profoundly unique stylings. Mancuso's drive, fueled by sheer talent, has resulted in some of the most stellar songwriting you're apt to hear. Original yet accessible, entertaining but also smart and with a message for the soul; Mancuso writes songs for whom even the sky is no limit. With the songs Mancuso writes, it's easy to believe he has a divine mandate - and that he will accomplish it. I started off playing sax in elementary school. Uninterested in the marching band tunes, I favored “Jazz band” sessions, where musicians can express themselves freely playing solos, as opposed to playing sheet music. I quit Sax at 15 and picked up the guitar. After a few months of learning the guitar, the