Raw & Unscripted with Christopher Rausch

Never Be Defeated! | Johanna Godinez | Raw & UNscripted w/Christopher Rausch



Never Be Defeated! | Johanna Godinez | Raw & UNscripted w/Christopher Rausch * Looking for ways to increase your confidence and results? * Ready to take your life to the next level and beyond? * Tired of the same excuses holding you back from experiencing more? Please join me, Christopher Rausch your https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/noexcusescoach (#NoExcusesCoach), as I chat with the incredibly bright, tenacious, and very honest Johanna Godinez!! Through and through she is the real KICKASS deal!She was an immediate success as our guest on our Friday Night Live show that I wanted to continue the conversation here on Raw & UNscripted. Here is a link to that show: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1l5U0ZjVldJM0l0V0ZRQjQ1ZkxieWY4YWVwUXxBQ3Jtc0tsQ0k0TW1CVEItSHBmRzBXWlhvYlpDNnFyQ3NvSU1UNndsQkZVOFFqRFFQa1NIN0dvczBDeWVZemp5ZXQwNFBDUGxpV20yVkhiYUhIR1hOUXFSM1RBSXJhd2VBdm9JUWNMZzVENHVDY3dDTmdZV1BWUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F0828JohannaGodinez (