Major Crush




It's another fly-on-the-wall mini-episode with Lou Zant and our good friend, Amy Kathleen of the Collective Light Podcast! This is a continuation of AK and her husband, Mike's, wine tour earlier this summer, and in this bonus installment, the topic of why boutique wines are so different from wines you can find in your local grocery store. Here, Lou has taken AK and Mike to one of our hands-down-favorite wineries, Madrigal Family Winery. Listen in as Lou starts to unpack some of the reasons why the wine industry has been so slow to embrace the realities of the new world of online sales, and then discover one of the main reasons why discovering a new wine in the actual Wine Country can be so very special! NOTE: Be sure to check out Amy Kathleen's show, The Collective Light Podcast as she kicks off her new season on July 15 with her interview with our very own, Meredith Griffin! You can find and subscribe to Collective Light wherever you listen to your favorite shows! CONTACT US: If you have questions or comment