Barbell Shrugged - Talking Training W/ Crossfit Games Athletes, Strength Coaches & More

Barbell Shrugged  — How to Be Yourself Online w/ Amanda Bucci  —  312



Amanda Bucci is a 25 year old lifestyle entrepreneur whose mission is to ignite the fire in others to grow into their TRUE selves through her podcast, YouTube channel, instagram, and other social platforms. Amanda is founder and CEO of Bucci Radio Podcast (interview and solo episodes where Amanda and her guests provide fitness, personal, or professional value, stories, experiences, and education), along with the Fitness Online Coaching Academy (a certificate program for online fitness coaches) and the Influencer Academy (a high-level coaching program for aspiring online fitness coaches and influencers to learn how to package their program and personal brand, in order to create a sustainable and thriving business). In this episode, the crew covers everything from business on Instagram to blending tuna with orange juice. We explore various nutritional strategies, effective goal setting, how to keep training exciting, coaching online, and more. Enjoy! - Mike, Doug and Anders Show notes at: http://www.shruggedcol