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TMHS 408: Master Your Focus In Turbulent Times & Unlock Your Limitless Brain - With Guest Jim Kwik



Now, more than ever, we’re immersed in an influx of information, notifications, and a plethora of stimuli fighting for our attention. Between our devices, ads, and social media, our brains are easily held captive to endless distractions. While none of these distractions are inherently evil, it’s our responsibility to monitor and intentionally direct our attention. If you want to learn how to harness the power of your mind, there’s no better person on the planet to learn from than Jim Kwik. Jim is the world’s foremost expert in accelerated learning and memory, a speed-reading expert, and the most frequent guest on The Model Health Show! Jim is back on the show to share more of his game-changing tips to upgrade your brain, accelerate your learning skills, and unlock an exceptional life.  You’re going to hear about how to expand your mindset, motivation, and methods so that you can truly be limitless in whatever you wish to achieve. As always, Jim is serving up concrete and effective tools you can use to maximiz