The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 380: The Surprising Connection Between Your Purpose, Health, & Success



Most people are aware of the basic physical contributors to health, like a well-rounded diet, a good night’s rest, and regular exercise. But we also have psychological needs that play a significant role in our overall wellness—and having a sense of purpose is at the top of the list. Emerging science shows that having a life purpose is associated with better health and a longer lifespan.  But there’s a huge misconception about what it means to have a life purpose. Having meaning in your life isn’t necessarily the result of divine intervention or some sort of lifelong cosmic mission. No one assigns you a purpose—you choose it. You get to take the initiative and decide where you plan to place your intention. Another misconception about purpose is that it only gets one overall defining purpose. The truth is, your purpose can and will change over your lifetime. At certain stages of life, your purpose can be as simple as being kind to every person you meet or committing to being more present in your relationships.