The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 375: Build Strength, Build Character, & Do The Right Thing - With Guest Jay Ferruggia



If I asked you to recall a time that you learned a lesson from a mistake you made, I bet you’d be quick to answer. That’s what our lives are—a series of trials and errors, and a constant opportunity to grow and learn. But luckily, we don’t always have to learn the hard way. If you’re observant and open-minded, you can take away profound lessons from the people around you.  For me, Jay Ferruggia is one of those people. Whether we’re talking about fitness, sharpening your public speaking skills, or simply being a kinder and more patient human, Jay has a ton of inspiration to share. When Jay posted a list of 45 lessons he’s learned in 45 years, I knew I wanted to share it with you.  On today’s show, Jay Ferruggia is here to discuss some of the life-changing principles that have helped him become a stronger, healthier, and more successful human being. You’ll learn about building functional strength, reframing your problems in order to create healthier relationships, and how to have a succinct mission that directl